Hot Wheels Time

Remember all the way back in October of 2008 when Matt excitedly bought some hot wheels? He couldn’t wait to play with them with our kids. At the time we were still anxiously awaiting a referral and would wait 4 more months.

Well almost 2 years later he finally broke out those hot wheels. The boys were super excited, but Ezra was beside himself with excitement. I wish we would have thought to get the camera out sooner. He just ran around screaming and squealing with delight.

Here is a video after he calmed down:

excited for hot wheels from Stephanie Adams on Vimeo.

Playing with dad:

MVI 8493 from Stephanie Adams on Vimeo.

Noah was a teething, clingy boy so you just hear him start to whine at the end of the second video. Here is a pic of how he looked:

Mad I wouldn't let him hold the camera