Ezra at 5


Color: blue and black
Sport: Soccer and football
Animal: dogs and cats
Food: Carrots and water and cereal
Book: Dinosaurs
Season: Winter
Restaurant: Ethiopian
Holiday: Halloween
Weather: Snowy
Cereal: Mommy’s Granola
TV Shows: Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer
Movie: Incredibles
Candy: Chocolate crackers
Subject: Alphabet
Toy: Firetrucks and police cars
Thing to do: Play firetrucks
Place have been: Arizona, Colorado, California, New Mexico, Oklahoma, United Arab Emirates, Ethiopia
Place to be: Parks
Place I want to go: Gamma and Papa’s
Person: Gamma and Papa
Hero: Daddy
Time of Day: Morning
Song: Abc’s
Drink: Apple Juice
Treat: Popcorn
Vacation: The Beach