Beach 2014

So we went to Imperial Beach in early June as we usually try to every year. Stayed in a great condo on the beach, visited Lego land and enjoyed a very quiet tim on the beach.

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Taking photos with kids

Last October we were in Colorado and decided to snap some family photos.  Most of them turned out blurry for one reason or another.  I decided to have Matt take a picture of me and my boys one at a time.  My method of photos with kids has always been for me to just smile and look at the camera and hope the kids cooperate.  The result is that I’m at least happy with my picture.

During our little photo shoot Noah was totally cooperative and we got some cute shots. Ezra was super fidgety and playing with a stick, but I didn’t realize quite what he was doing with the stick. When Matt was showing me the pictures I burst out laughing at the last photo in this post. It is my favorite photo of us to date. It is such an Ezra and mommy moment.

Noah and me all smiles
Noah and me all smiles
Cuddly Noah still happy
Cuddly Noah still happy
Ezra playing with a stick, no problem take some pics
Ezra playing with a stick, no problem take some pics
The results = My Favorite picture to date
The results = My Favorite picture to date

two riding boys

It’s official, Noah and Ezra are bike riding machines! They have been on the scoot bikes (no pedals and limited steering  since 2, and they did get pedal bikes about a year ago, but were still a little too short to reach the ground well.

They were on training wheels for a few months, mainly because getting started was tough. Ezra usually would just ask for a push so he could skip the self start. It clicked last week, and Noah was quick to follow. Now they ride for at least an hour a day, sometimes two.

Watch out world, We are riding every where and going mountain biking with daddy soon.


Noah concentrating hard



What our cul-de-sac looks like on a regular basis.




Look at ezra catching a little air on our ramp.



Over the wall they will go (eventually)
Over the wall they will go (eventually)

The boys have had quite the adventurous spirit lately. They’ve figured out how to get out of their bedroom into the backyard via the window. They do this during “quiet” time. For the most part it is harmless adventure. Except now they are working on getting over the wall to the great big world. They are four and they really want to get out! What’s up with that?

In the above picture they were shouting towards the neighbors’ house, “Help us, Help us. We need to out of here and get to a fire station.” Luckily Matt had met the new neighbors this weekend and explained to them they might hear shouts for help.

Mommy Ezra is stuck on top of the puh-cycling bin.
Mommy Ezra is stuck on top of the puh-cycling bin.

Yesterday over the baby monitor I heard a conversation of where they wanted to go and how to get there. They were going to go visit daddy at his office. To get there they were going to get daddy’s tools, put their training wheels back on their bikes, and ride there.

Mommy Ezra's stuck in the window
Mommy Ezra’s stuck in the window

They figured out how to get back in yesterday too, but Ezra wouldn’t jump down into the room.

How they figured out how to climb back in
How they figured out how to climb back in

I love this adventurous spirit, but it is a lot of exhausting work keeping them safe!

PS: We have now locked the window! I know it is a safety issue with a fire, but seriously I would like to keep them in the house. All the doors have beep warnings so I know where they are.


Heard whispers, ‘do you want to be a puppy?’ Don’t worry they were taking turns.

Boy antics

The boys were in their room for quiet time and I heard interesting noises. Went to check Ezra had opened the window, popped out the screen, and tossed down a bunch of blankets and pillows for a soft landing spot.

“Come on girls hop in my firetruck.” Noah
“You get the boys.” Noah to Ezra
“No I want to get the girls!” Ezra
“Come on girls get in my firetruck.” Ezra

Noah locked me outside so someone could get his step stool and try to sneak Halloween candy.

During quiet time I heard shouts of “it’s a hang glider!” I thought nothing of this until I heard, “maybe we should ask mom.” Walked in and Noah was holding his curtain rod. I was then informed “but we needed to be Diego.”

During quiet time the boys played doing laundry, they cutely hung stuff up on their beds to dry. Of course, the “laundry” was actually wet, and the humidifier was empty. 🙂


I decided to try vermicomposting pretty much just for the boys. I figured they would love having pet worms. Well the worms arrived today and they were excited! They were also a little confused because they asked if they could eat worms for lunch. I had explained that the worms would be eating some of our food scraps. 🙂

Nap time woes

They were turning their beds into slides during nap time.

The boys have started to fight and skip nap-time. I knew this day would come, but thought it would happen closer to age 4. They nap about half the time now. The skipping nap wouldn’t bother me so much if they weren’t so darn cranky! Plus they go to bed at 7 when they don’t nap and so don’t get to see daddy much in the evenings. Also it makes it really hard to get work done. I used to have a 2.5 to 3 hour block every day where I could rest, work, and prep dinner. Yep I was spoiled, and I am seriously struggling without that time. It is my least favorite transition so far, going from 2 naps to 1 was a cake walk compared to this.

In other bedroom related news, we got rid of their beds a couple of weeks ago. We weren’t too happy with the ones we bought, so we sold them. They had sharp, I mean sharp edges! Plus the drawers weren’t holding up very well. We are going to wait until they are read for bunk beds. Their room is really small with two separate beds in it.

Last weeks Mattress Mountain

I personally love this picture. On this particular day I hadn’t slept much the night before and was exhausted, so I went and laid down during nap. Knowing full well they weren’t sleeping, but they were happy, so I was okay with it. They made a mountain to climb and jump. Ezra is in the foreground doing flips, he was super proud how fast he could do them now since he had lots of practice.

First Disney Trip!

This last week we spent the week in southern california with papa, gma, jason, michelle, and cousin abby. We had a blast, got to meet micky, ride some rides, and generally had a blast. We went to the beach the next day for some relaxing water time.


We took a few photos. Just a few.


Boys glad to be home

We had a great vacation, and time with family in Colorado, but the boys always love coming home. I think they feel like they have to play with everything and re-connect with toys, animals and unwind.

In less than 30 minutes our house went from super clean and in order to this:

Two trikes, a scooter, lawn chairs, a slide, table from the playroom, all 4 chairs from the playroom, thomas trains, 2 different puzzles, drums, a guitar, 2 back packs, 3 stuffed animals and various plastic fruit items. All spread out across the living room in less than 30 minutes.

Ezra was so excited to see his trike that he got stuck on the play table, and dragged it across the house like a trailer. Nothing was gonna stop him.