Story Time

I took the boys to their first story time at the library today.  It was a wild, fun-filled adventure.  Upon arrival Noah began screaming (I guess he assumed I was ditching him there), once he realized I was staying he became wild.  He found the door and kept taking off.  Then Ezra realized what we were doing (running around) and got in on the act.  It was finally time for story time and the door to the room was closed, thank goodness!  At this time my lovely children discover there are cabinets in the room, fun.  So I blocked them off with the stroller, Noah voiced his opinion on the act, at which point I was informed I was free to come and go as I please.  Yea I was embarrassed, but I didn’t think they were being all that bad for 15 month old boys.  It was a story time for 0-2 year olds after all, so I thought there would be other children who were a little rambunctious.  All the other children seemed to be in the under 1 crowd or the over 2 crowd.  Oh well, we still had fun and Ezra loved when they did “if your happy and you know it” between stories.  I also know that someday very soon they will sit and listen to stories, for now I am happy to chase after them.  🙂

*During actual story time they continually checked the acoustics of the room by banging on every surface possible.