Little Moments

One of Noah’s favorite jobs is cleaning up dead bugs, he use a little broom and dust pan. He was dumping one in the trash can when I hear Ezra say, “Bye bug, love you bug.”

Ezra wasn’t eating his chicken one night at dinner, so I snuck a bit off his plate. He looked at me, “Hey that’s my chicken!”

I was singing Ezra’s favorite song “I’m so Happy” and he looked at me and said, “I’m so happy off.” I guess he didn’t appreciate my rendition.

Ezra randomly walked up to me at 11 am and said, “Ezra’s turn to have ice cream.”

I told Noah we were having hotdogs for dinner and he turned and gave Ezra a big hug.

One morning the boys were asking for cookies for breakfast and I said we don’t have any cookies (also we don’t have them for breakfast) and Noah responded, “Cookies Mema’s house.”