No more naps

Long time no blog, I know. The thing is we’ve given up naps. So finding the time, energy, and desire to post is hard. Matt and I both love looking back over previous years and are super bummed about our blogging efforts in 2012. Hopefully we can get back into documenting our lives.

Age 3 is an absolute blast, and also absolutely exhausting (mentally and physically). I feel like I live several episodes of curious George a day. I just wish I was as patient and understanding as the man in the yellow hat. Also I wish things magically worked out for the boys the way they do for George.

Crap this didn’t actually wear them out!

First Day of School – 09.05.2012

The boys had their first day of school last Wednesday. They LOVED it. They like their teachers and their new friends. The class is nice and small, 7 total kids, 3 boys and 4 girls.

Remember you can click on the photos to see them bigger and read the captions. 🙂

Imperial Beach 2012

We spent a whole week at Imperial Beach this August and it was wonderful. Not to say we didn’t have our bad moments, a whole week of some serious time together isn’t easy, but it was fun and relaxing! We took tons of photos so I think I’ll do several posts. We mostly chilled at the beach and played on the playground downstairs from our apartment. We did use our botanical garden membership to get free reciprocal admission into two other gardens in the San Diego area (if you have memberships to places check out reciprocal admissions before you go on vacation, great way to have cheap fun!) I made freezer meals before we left and took my crockpot on vacation with us, sorry no vacation for her! We could play all day and come home to a nice home cooked meal. 🙂

There is nothing like enjoying the sunset on the beach, while watching your boys dance, wrestle, and run around like crazy. No toys necessary!

Imperial Beach August 2012

Running from the waves
Pretty much my favorite spot
Busy Noah
Crabby fun
Daddy and the boys busy building
Our idea of boogie boarding
Yay we are in the water this time!
Fascinating fountain, if you can’t tell by my face, we watched it for a long time.
Drawing in the sand, a new favorite activity
Noah and his sun
Ezra and Squeaky the mouse.
Checking stuff out
Love this picture of them
The only way they would take pictures with daddy, as puppies!
Flashlight beach walke!
Holding hands
Fire truck!
These fire fighters were super awesome!


We debated back and forth about sending the boys to preschool this year. They still have two years until kindergarden and we could have waited another year. This summer they went to VBS and a summer camp. They absolutely loved both. We were able to see how much they loved having a little separation from us and how much they loved seeing other kids. After that we decided to send them to preschool. They will be going 2 days a week for just 2.5 hours a day. I think this is just the right amount of time for them and me.

Their new teacher came by the house yesterday to meet them. She is absolutely wonderful and they loved her.

After she left:

Noah, “I liked her.”
Ezra, “Yea, I liked her a lot.”

School starts in September and they are already asking when they get to go.

4th of July

We spent the 4th of July up at my parents’ cabin and went to the firework show in Payson. It was nice and cool (okay cold for us)! It was a rainy cloudy day, but the rain stopped by nighttime and the boys enjoyed their first firework show. They absolutely loved it and can’t wait for more.

Ice block dig

These pictures are from back in June. Yep I’m behind, but I want to document the fun we had this summer. 🙂

Pool Fun

This summer we’ve been visiting some public pools. I love the zero entry toddler play areas. We can play and have fun and I don’t have to worry too much.

Eating poolside.
Ring toss (a little dangerous)
There it is!
So much fun!

Here’s a video of how hard that water is hitting them. I stood under it once and it is pretty hard!

Papas birthday

This weekend we celebrated papa inskeeps birthday and fathersday. Complete with a slide, dinosaur egg hunt, pinata, and cake. Can’t forget the cake.

Family Day 2012

Wow three years together! It has been one awesome adventure so far. These two have added so much to our lives. We love you so much Noah and Ezra!

June 8, 2012
June 8, 2011

June 8, 2010

June 8, 2009

We’ve moved!

The last couple of months have been super hectic, stressful, and exciting.

We’ve toyed with the idea of moving off and on for years. Mostly out of state. We’ve even visited some of our dream cities. After much debate and discussion we finally settled on a new city. We are in Tempe, AZ!

Yup I couldn’t leave my home state in the end. We are excited about all Tempe has to offer and are looking forward to exploring our new city.

Our new house has a much bigger yard and a walkscore of 71. We were also able move the business office closer to ASU. Matt’s wanted to be near a university for a long time.

The boys are doing great with the transition. Moving itself was a little hard on them since mom and dad were so busy and stressed, but we are settling back into life and our routine nicely.

If you know us in the real world and would like our new address please contact us.

Photo fun

I really meant to stay more consistent with blogging, but life has been crazy. Plus two three year olds keep me busy, busy!

Solar Eclipse

Tonight the boys witnessed their first solar eclipse. It is an annular eclipse and they thought it was pretty cool.

Conversation with Noah tonight before bed:

Noah – We saw the moon blocking the sun.

Me – Yep, do you remember what that is called?

Noah – Scissors!