Good News All Around

First, Congratulations to Gregg and Meg, Sam officially became their son today and he is adorable.  

Second, Abby made it to the 3rd and final round of Baby Idol!  Please keep voting for her!

Matt took this adorable shot and is very excited to see her make it so far.  It doesn’t hurt that she is just so freakin’ cute!

Third, Our visa appointment was confirmed for June 11.  We leave June 6!  We are so excited to finally be leaving and super excited to meet those two cute little boys of ours!  We will be back home to begin our new life together June 16!!!


Christine over at TotRags made the boys some wonderful bibs as a gift.  I love that she upcycles and salvages fabric.  🙂 


They also make a good kitty cape!


Thanks so much Christine!  We love them!

Friday Update – 9/12/08


Adoption Update: Our agency had five referrals this week, four infant boys and one infant girl, a sibling group of a girl and a boy ages 5 and 7 was also placed off of the waiting children’s list.  Congratulations to all the happy families!  The families waiting the longest right now are the ones waiting on referrals of young sibling sets.  Overall I am still doing fairly well with the wait and fully expect to be waiting into the new year.  In fact, I have always had a very specific date in my mind for our referral date ever since we sent our dossier to Ethiopia, but I didn’t even pick it in our Guess the Referral game because I wanted my referral sooner.  The date that has always been in my mind is February 23, 2009.  So if anyone wants in on the referral game and trusts my instinct, have at it!

I also met a fellow Inskeep this week through the blogging world who is also adopting through CHI.  They are still in the paper-chase phase, hopefully soon to be in the waiting stage.

In the meantime I have been doing some shopping for Tom and Jerry, mostly on  I love that place!  (side note, my friend Sandi just started her very own etsy store, so go check it out)  Here are some of my more recent buys:


Clock for the nursery:

Some embroidered diapers:

For some reason this one is my favorite, it makes me smile every time:

Running and Push-Up Updates:  Yep still not much happening in the exercise department, but Matt and I did discuss why we thought neither of us felt like working out.  It is HOT and we are sick of the heat!  For those of you who don’t know Arizona summers can be a little long and wearing, like long winters are to some of you.  This end of this week we finally started seeing temps in the 70s again!  Albeit only in the early mornings, but hey it is a start.  So I think exercising will pick back up, even though I am sure September has one more heat wave for us, it always does.

Gardening:  My little garden is still going strong and there is okra galore!  I need to do some more pickling.  I am also starting to get a few more tomatoes and it looks like I will have some jalapenos before long.


This week also marked the seventh anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.  My dad participated in the memorial held here in Maricopa.  (he is the one in the front of the group of bagpipers)