First Day of School – 09.05.2012

The boys had their first day of school last Wednesday. They LOVED it. They like their teachers and their new friends. The class is nice and small, 7 total kids, 3 boys and 4 girls.

Remember you can click on the photos to see them bigger and read the captions. 🙂

Imperial Beach 2012

We spent a whole week at Imperial Beach this August and it was wonderful. Not to say we didn’t have our bad moments, a whole week of some serious time together isn’t easy, but it was fun and relaxing! We took tons of photos so I think I’ll do several posts. We mostly chilled at the beach and played on the playground downstairs from our apartment. We did use our botanical garden membership to get free reciprocal admission into two other gardens in the San Diego area (if you have memberships to places check out reciprocal admissions before you go on vacation, great way to have cheap fun!) I made freezer meals before we left and took my crockpot on vacation with us, sorry no vacation for her! We could play all day and come home to a nice home cooked meal. 🙂

There is nothing like enjoying the sunset on the beach, while watching your boys dance, wrestle, and run around like crazy. No toys necessary!