
One year ago today we first laid eyes upon the two most precious baby boys.  We knew our lives were changed forever and were beyond excited for our future as a family as four.  We have enjoyed this past year so much and are looking for many more wonderful years together.

Here they are as we first saw them:

Noah Esrael
Ezra Yakob

They both weighed around 6.5 pounds and were only about 18 inches long.  The only developmental milestone listed was that they could move their head from side to side.

Noah - 2.11.2010
Ezra - 2.11.2010

My how things have changed, they both weigh about 24 pounds now, and last time daddy measured Noah was 30 inches and Ezra 29 inches.  Ezra is running and Noah is happily crawling everywhere.  We have been beyond blessed to get to know them this past year and are so thankful for the wonder of adoption.

After trying to re-creat their referral pictures, I tried in vain to get some pics of them together.

What you want us to sit together and smile?
Seriously Ez you just have to sit next to me!
Look sweet, don't they? Fighting in this pic.

Now for some video, because they are just so cute.

Noah super excited about his referralversary:

MVI 6207 from Stephanie Adams on Vimeo.

Ez pretty much implying get me out of this crib:

MVI 6211 from Stephanie Adams on Vimeo.