8 days

with 8 days till court, I cant help but be excited about 8 specific toys i look forward to playing with the boys. 

  1. legos. I really enjoy legos. Even if the little ones will destroy anything tall i build. 
  2. cars and trucks. seriously, the cool stuff they have today.
  3. hot wheels! I know, i need to wait a few years for that one. 
  4. bikes. These boys are gonna be on bikes way early. I’ll pull the pedals and cranks off so they can be walkers / running bikes so they get the hang of balance. No training wheels here. 
  5. coloring books. i didnt wait for them here. I already enjoy them. I have my own box of crayons. 
  6. art projects. glue, stickers, markers, cutting paper. all fun stuff. 
  7. musical instruments. I suck and melody and rhythm, but that wont stop us from rocking out on the kid instruments we have already.
  8. remote control cars. they have them for little kids now. super simple, but noah and ezra will enjoy them for sure.