
Recently I have been feeling very overwhelmed with my commitment to the Carbon Account Challenge and feeling guilty from what I had learned in that first month. I was very frustrated with the fact that the efforts we had made to make our lives a more sustainable one had not come as far as I had hoped. It was very daunting to see it there in black and white. So, mid-way through August I just stopped tracking, thinking I would just put guesstimates in when I felt up to it. Then I read this blog and one very wise suggestion reminded me that it is okay to take changing our lives a little at a time:

Start with one or two things (take the bus one day a week, use cloth bags, etc) and make it a habit. Then move on to another and another.

I have decided for now to not track every little thing, but to continue making little changes to our lives, and check our progress every few months with the carbon account.  Sometimes I need to be reminded that I can’t do it all at once, but I can and will eventually get to where I want to be.